Yesterday, I actually did something I have never done before. I walked around the 5 acres of our "home on the hill" and clipped wildflowers to decorate my mantel with. I felt very Martha Stewart with one exception - I had no pretty basket to lay my colorful stems in, so as the mother of a five and seven year old does so well, I improvised - with a blue sand bucket complete with the remnants of sand from our beach trip earlier this year.
You see, I had been inspired! Inspired by things I had seen in magazines and the beautiful things I had seen in nature - God's amazingly gorgeous creation!
Psalm 19:1-4 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."
"Where am I?" you may be asking. I am at Wedding 101 and finding inspiration for my work in bridal hair and makeup artistry. There are so many places that you can find inspiration for your wedding look and I want to offer a few suggestions for you to consider as you plan this once in a lifetime event!!
1. Of course, the obvious is all of the wonderful bridal magazines that are out there! You will see all sorts of looks from the rock and roll bride to the vintage chic that are each stunning in their own rights!
2. Take to the World Wide Web! Check out Wedding Wire and . Google or Bing bridal hair and makeup looks and you will find a plethora of options out there to consider.
3. Look around town and in nature! The places that you love to go and the sights that take your breath away contain colors and movement that speak to you - so take a picture and notice the themes. You can incorporate them in small or big ways on the Big Day!!
4. Come to Wedding 101 in Franklin, Tennessee to see all of the inspiring ideas that I am steeping in as I right this article!
5. Bringing it all together - Make an Inspiration Board or Book. Put together every scrap you can possibly find that speaks to you in any way whatsoever and then look for the common theme.
You will be amazed at the creativity that lies within you to create your own, one-of-a-kind wedding and bridal look! I encourage you to look for the inspiration in everything around you and you will find that the overwhelming feelings you may be having will melt away as you begin to see your wedding plans take shape before your eyes!
And remember to book your hair and makeup artist early!! (wink, wink)
Here's to YOUR inspiring day!!